أوراق نهاىي علوم انجليزي 3متوسط
اوراق علوم انجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الدراسي الثاني
اهلا وسهلا بكم زوارنا الكرام إلى موقع اركان العلم)،، أفضل موقع لحل الواجبات المدرسية، نتمنى أن نقصوا اسعد الأوقات معنا؛ أعزائي الطلاب انتم ثمرة هذا المجتمع، ولن يتقدم الا بتفوكم واجتهادكم وتكون هذه زيارة سعيده لكن، فيما نقدمه لكم من حلول المناهج الدراسية والالغاز الثقافيه والأخبار والمقالات المتنوعه حيث نسعى دائما إلى حل اسئلتكم بطريقة صحيحة، وإليكم جواب السؤال كالتالي:
حل اوراق علوم انجليزي ثالث متوسط؟
Choose the correct form in brackets:
1. I think I (must have) left the AC on. Please can you check?
2. I could have (gone) to the cinema, but I decided to stay home.
3. She (must) have been tired after cleaning the house all day.
4. I (should have) followed your advice, you were right.
5. I eat (an) apple. The apple is delicious.
6. (The) sun is a star.
7. Have we got (any) cola?
8. I’m hungry. Let’s make (some) sandwiches.
9. How (many) books does he read every day?
10. I need a (little) sugar in my tea.
11. Eggs taste better with a (little) salt.
Do as shown between brackets:
1. The fridge might have (been fixed).
2. A computer error may have caused the accident. → The accident may have been caused by a computer error.
3. A mechanic could have repaired the car. → The car could have been repaired by a mechanic.
4. Is there (any) water in that bottle?
5. I’m not very hungry. I want only a (little) food.
6. We have (many) problems, but we will solve them all.
Correct the underlined error:
1. Your car could have been sell → sold.
2. She is a English teacher → an.
3. Let’s have a coffee. I’ve got a little minutes → a few.
4. Are there some children in the garden? → any.
5. How many water do you drink every day? → much.
Circle the odd words:
1. Career (لأنها لا تتناسب مع باقي الكلمات التي تتعلق بالرواتب والعمل).
2. Degree (لأنها لا تتناسب مع باقي الكلمات التي تتعلق بالشراء والبيع).
Fill in the spaces with a suitable word:
1. The company plans to launch its new car in the market next year.
2. The new cell phone was a flop. Nobody bought it.
3. I am outraged by the cashier. His attitude just makes me angry.
Match the words with the meanings:
1. Flop → Failure.
2. Damage → Harm.
3. Discarded → Thrown away.
Match the words with their opposites:
1. Commercial → Noncommercial.
2. Desolate → Populous.
3. Absent-minded → Attentive.
Underline the correct word for each picture:
1. Post-it note (وليس scraps).
2. Fax (وليس telephone).
3. Iceberg (وليس valley).
4. Penicillin (وليس Velcro).
5. Bee (وليس butterfly).